Saturday, December 27, 2008

Snowed In!

It’s been awhile since I’ve written, and guess what I’ve been doing? Yep! Pretty much what everyone in the Pacific Northwest has been doing these past several weeks…digging, shoveling, and plowing my way out of over four feet of snow…so far! I used to consider myself a winter person. I don’t much like the super hot days of summer. When it hits 80 or 85 degrees outside, that’s plenty warm enough for me! However, with this year’s repeat of last year’s nearly record-breaking snowfall, I’m ready for summer. And, the goaties and llamas couldn’t agree more. They're all going a bit stir-crazy since they can’t stand to set foot in that cold, wet white stuff. All have pretty much become constant barn-dwellers for the past month. And, it takes us a good day or two to clean up around the barns after a significant dumping of snow. So far, we’ve been getting anywhere from 4” to nearly 2 feet of snow every couple of days…so that means constant snow removal for the past several weeks. And, I’m suddenly realizing this year that my 42-year-old body doesn’t move quite as well as it did a few years back. Oh well, this month's record-breaking weather seems to be the talk of everyone lately…it’s pretty stressful for all. I just keep telling my sweet, impatient, little barn-dwellers that spring is just around the corner…and delicious lush green pasture grass will be their reward for enduring this long, snowy winter!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

What To Do?

What shall we do on this wintry Sunday afternoon on Cattail Meadows Farm? There’s a bone-chilling dampness in the air, after all…and last night’s bitter freezing drizzle makes patrolling the grounds particularly disagreeable. So…I guess we’ll just have to find something to do indoors today!